On Monday morning (June 29) we rode a quick 25 miles to Lee Vining where we had breakfast at Nicely's restaurant, and where we met two guys on Harleys who were on their way home to Monterey, CA after a month on the road to Nova Scotia and back. We shared some memories of that beautiful part of North America.
A few miles down the road we turned east on CA 120, a rolling and twisty road that goes by Mono Lake and through a pine and aspen forest and then goes into Nevada at Benton Hot Springs before ending at US 6.
Carol's view of US 6 from the back of the bike |
Share the road in Nevada |
We gassed up in Tonopah, NV and in another 50 miles turned south on NV 375, the Extraterrestrial Highway. For those of you who never watched
The X-Files, or
Roswell, or don't follow conspiracy theories, here's the explanation: Area 51 near Groom Lake in southeastern Nevada is the site of a secret military test facility where exotic aircraft are put through their paces. Supposedly some of the technology that goes into those aircraft is the result of reverse engineering from a crashed alien spaceship. Of course aliens were also aboard that ship...
The day was hot of course, but the scattered clouds provided some relief, and even a brief shower that cooled us off a bit. We went over a few passes of 6-7000 feet, which also kept the temperature down. The only "town" on 375 is Rachel, which consists of a little cafe and bar that also sells alien-themed hats, shirts, trinkets, mugs, books, and posters. We stopped for coffee and the first rhubarb pie of the trip, which was quite good.
Rhubarb pie, mmmmm |
Victor in front of the Little A'Le'Inn |
Cacti along the southern end 375 |
The 100 miles of 375 ended at US 93 and we went east for 40 miles to Caliente (that means hot - and it was 99 degrees when we arrived) where we are spending the night at the Midway Motel. We took a slow and pleasant stroll along the Linear Path, which winds along a (dry at this time of year) river that goes through the city. We dined at the Knotty Pine Restaurant and even went into the World Famous Knotty Pine Lounge (the sign above the door says so) to buy a beer for Carol.
Cruising along at steady speeds at high elevation, the bike is getting very good mileage (over 50 mpg) and is running fine. Tomorrow we ride through one of my favorite parts of the southwest - the Grand Escalante along Highway 12 in Utah.
Victor in front of room 4 at the Midway Motel |
Hi kids, I happened to be thinking about you this morning, guessing it was about time for you to be on a road trip. Glad I checked the blog--now I can follow your travels every day. The photo of the pie at the Little A'Le'Inn reminds me of something a friend back in MA said many years ago. Gerry had driven from New England to New Mexico any number of times, and said he could always tell how far west he was by the size of the slice o' pie they served him at the roadside cafes. They got bigger the farther west he got. Looks as though you got a nice western-size slice in Nevada. Joel