Saturday, August 24, 2013

Back in the USA

We woke early on Thursday (August 22) to a chilly but clear day and rode Canada 17 west through Sudbury, Ontario and along the Georgian Bay to Sault St. Marie where we crossed the border to the USA. There was a lot of traffic going both directions, but once we got to the border gate we got through quickly enough. We stopped for lunch in the American Sault St. Marie at a restaurant right along the Soo Locks where we saw a large freighter make its slow way through. Back on the road we went west on Michigan 28 into the upper peninsula, then turned south to Rt. 2 which eventually goes right along the top end of Lake Michigan. We spend the night at a cheap motel in Manistique, MI - there were many motels along the road, most with only one or two cars in the parking lot. I suspect that the vacation areas in Michigan are still suffering from the recession.
The next morning we continued on Rt. 2 and then south along Green Bay, eventually getting on Highway 41 and the I-43 south to Francis Creek where I had a minor service (oil change and check-up) done on the bike. After that it was just 50 miles to Geo and Annette's house, which is where we are now. This morning we went for a hike in the Kettle Morraine and then had lunch in Elkhart Lake, an old resort town and also home  to a famous car racing track. Geo is cooking trout for dinner, and we are just relaxing here and enjoying the beautiful view from  his back deck.

Dan and John bring Dan's tire pressure up to spec.

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