Sunday, August 11, 2013

Into the wilds of Canada

After two very pleasant days of good eating at Alden Camps we left this morning (Sunday) after breakfast and rode to the coast and up highway 1. We stopped for lunch in Ellsworth, and then again at Sullivan to take a picture of the house. We split off Highway 1 just after Mathias to take a shortcut to Calais and the border crossing. Highway 1 goes along the ocean and is probably prettier, but we will be seeing nothing but water for the next four days. The border crossing was quick, and we are now at a motel in Saint John, New Brunswick. Tomorrow we will take a ferry to Digby  in Nova Scotia. The title of this post is ironic, since this part of Canada was settled hundreds of years ago and is hardly wild anymore.

The chickens at Alden Camps are unimpressed by Dan's bike and helmet.

Pete's Barbeque just outside of Oakland, ME.

The Putnam house at Sullivan, which overlooks Bar Harbor.

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