Friday, July 24, 2015

Day 2 at the rally

Day 2 at the BMW MOA rally was just about the same as Day 1: Wander around the vendor's booths, buy a few things that I probably don't really need, and attend a couple of seminars.

The organizers do the best job that they can, but there are a lot of people at the rally. There were lines for coffee, food, and even ice cream.

Ice cream line. It was over  90 degrees today. Yesterday there was no line - it was about 75. 
There are always interesting and unusual bikes at the rally.

An electric trike

A circa 1990 K1 - BMW' super-sport at the time - with matching trailer
The vintage display wasn't large, but there were several interesting bikes.

A row of /2 twins
Two 1929 BMWs that ran in the coast to coast Cannonball Rally
As usual at these rallies, tents were pitched in every nook and cranny, and the large open areas were packed cheek to jowl with tents.

Why I don't camp at the rally anymore
There's a third day of the rally tomorrow, but I've seen enough. I'll go over the Beartooth Pass tomorrow and follow the Chief Joseph Trail to Cody.

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